Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Conversations with my Husband: Part II

Alex tells me I should carry matches in my purse.

Alex: You never know when you might need them.
Me: But I don't smoke. What would I need them for?
Alex: In case you are attacked and forced into someone's car. That way you can try to light the car on fire.
Me: But dying in a fire is a really horrible way to die! I wouldn't want to do that.
Alex: Got to. It's your only chance.
Me: Couldn't I just try to crash the car?
Alex: You might be in the backseat, or in the trunk.
Me: You want me to set the car on fire from the TRUNK?! I'd be dead before the bad guy would even notice!
Alex: Still, it's a good idea. You never know.

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